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  • Writer's pictureAntje

A new ending for my triathlon story?

It is time to write down what goes on in our heads. We will talk about different topics that we find interesting and would like to share with you. This can be all sorts of Sports and Exercise involved, everyday life and other topics. If you have some time on your hand we would very much appreciate it if you will give this a quick read.

Apparently, this little blog post takes around 5mins to read so there you go!

We will kick off with Antje´s Triathlon Training, which she will blog about over the next few months.


A while ago I (Antje) signed up for the Bastion, full iron distance from Castle Triathlon Series.

Some of you might know I tried to attempt the Jurassicman from Brutal Events a couple of years ago but nothing went right, to the point where it actually took me well over a year to recover mentally from it.

But we all have those events, right? Those that bugs us, those were we think "I could have done it better" and those that weren't meant to be. The Jurassicman falls into the last category.

Now I am working my way through the past emotions, what I have learned since then, and how I tackle things differently this time. So, I will blog on a more or less regular basis about the progress of my training and the physical and mental side of it.

Nutrition-wise everything will be on a plant-based diet as I'm vegan.


Wow ok, here we go again. I am looking at my book "Be IronFit" which still has some notes from the last time I used it and lots of marks in it. It will be different this time around. And I need to make sure I will find a good balance with training and work and most importantly, my mind. Will I collapse again in my old wheel that was going on and on in my head or will I manage to stay on track this time? Time will tell, I guess. Surely if I start in January it will be fine. Oh hold on, let's count the weeks backward...Oh shit! Patrick! I shouted at my partner I just checked when my training plan would start and it is tomorrow!! Ok, good luck was his answer. Simple. Ok, I did it once and I can do it again. My swimming membership card is sitting in the bowl on the kitchen trolley looking at me. In the beginning, I was a bit reluctant to re-active it. First off I didn't want the faff it takes you now to book a swimming session and secondly I really, really don't like the chlorine. It took me forever to get my head in place and accept I have to go to the pool to train 2 years ago. The taste, the people, the cold changing rooms and my hair doesn't like the chlorine either. Yes, I am/was one of these people that tried to find every excuse why I don't like pools and chlorine. Here we are around 1.5 weeks into training I realized I have to face the pools. After sending a couple of emails forwards and backward with the leisure center my membership was active again.

How strange it feels like with all the changes around you in this pandemic. You aren't allowed to shower afterward, all your stuff needs to go on to one of the chairs that are next to the pool, and obviously, a mask is mandatory. I can't deny it is a weird feeling for me to strip down to my swimsuit in front of everyone. It's not a big thing but when you are conscious about your body it feels different. But something that I will challenge this year.

The silver lining was, that the lanes are a lot wider to give everyone space. That's great! My first session, in which Patrick joined me, was all about getting in, getting my head around, and making sure I still can do some front crawl. Everything got ticked off and my biggest takeaway from the session was that I didn't mind the chlorine that much. Yes, I always prefer the sea but it wasn't such a big thing and I had a good feeling to get my head in the sessions and do my swimming sessions. So far, so good. It lasted for around 4 sessions I think before the pools had to close again due to Brighton and Hove getting into Tier 4 followed a few weeks later by a national lockdown in which we are right now.

Ok, that's fine. Let's work on these tiny spaghetti arms to get some power in so when I return to the pool I can work on my power. Good plan, extra time for some strength and conditioning session meanwhile.

The Sessions

I have 2 favorite sessions a week. Weirdly enough neither of them involve running or swimming (let's say not much). One of them is my 100rpm+ session on the turbo trainer which basically means to cycle constantly really fast (for my speed) and hold this, starting from 20 minutes and getting longer by each week. Usually, it's my mind that plays tricks before my legs wanting to give up. The other session is a nice steady Brick session. Some time on the bike followed by a practice quick transition and a short run. Both sessions always give me this extra feel-good factor. I already liked them the first time around and it's still the same now.

Zwift and I are still trying to merge our ways together and while we are going through the first trial period I am most happy with watching every ultra trail running document that is out there, sometimes an endurance triathlon event is fine as well while I am on my bike. Somehow I still seem to enjoy watching those documentaries a lot more as watching me and other people cycling through some volcanic worlds. I'm sure it's just because I haven't found the magic in Zwift yet but obviously totally agree it's great for training.

So, here we are. 9 weeks into my training plan for another iron distance triathlon event. My training is going ok. let's say it that way. I have up and downs with my training and overall just happy to stay on track for now. But I am also aware that I have to get my butt moving a little bit more if I want to make this event happen!

Get your Butt into Gear!

Sometimes I think I am the best one at making excuses for everything! This sounds funny to a certain degree because looking behind the curtain I am the one that takes a disadvantage away from it. This journey is more for me than just a bit of training. It is about my mind, my body, overcoming things, leaving things in the past, believing in myself, and finding new strength. Both mentally and physically. After having some great enjoyable lazy days and healing my calf that was a bit funny for the last 5 days it's back to training today. I can do this and I will prove it - to myself.

This is it for the first little bit. I will probably jump forwards and backward in different situations as many are intertwined with each other.

So, I guess...see you around for the next post :)

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