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Some people join us to get faster, be fitter or go further. You might be training towards a specific event/goal or you might just do it for your overall wellbeing. We do appreciate all our swimmers and together we create a great community that will benefit you physically and mentally

Swim Better Teaching

We keep our swim better teaching approach open to everyone.

You can be a seasoned swimmer or a novice.

Over a 5 weeks period, we take the front crawl stroke apart to get a better understanding of the fundamentals, we explain why specific parts and movements are so important and what is actually less important. We ask participants to feel comfortable in the water and can swim some front crawl. If you are unsure if this course is for you, do not hesitate to contact us through the contact form, per email or social media. Everyone always benefits from this course and finish stronger, more confident

and with a smile on their face.

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